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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Just abit of happiness

Exam week finally!!! but still...don't know what will my result end up hope that it wouldn't be as bad as I imagine....trying very hard to do the best...stressed out these few days....alot of storm hitting my head...need a good rest...and I mean real rest...unfortunately not quite...cause after exam week is piano exam...even worst! my sight reading!!!wish I can get distinction again...also trying harder here....I want to make my life really worth it right now cause since its my time to shine for university....I want to get the best!! I know I can!!! even books are not a real good friends of mine...but still I have to have faith and confidence!!! I need to keep moving foward and face challenges to make me stronger!!! YES!! THAT'S IT!!! AMANDA CHAN TZE EARN!!YOU CAN DO IT!!! I am ready to face any wave and storm... cause this is my life...I'll never know what interesting can be behind all these I set my life..a game...this is just the I go to a higher level...I will build more memories... more fun...more exciting....I know I can!

All of my good friends are doing quite well in their studies...we still keep in contact...just kinda miss them cause never got the chance to actually meet them...cause always not the right timing...if its not me who is busy then its kinda need to find the right will come..just need to be patient...

My lover?? well....I am speechless...I don't know how to start...its like he is just fulfilling my wishes but not understanding what I need and what I want or hope for...I mean....I don't know..I am really spechless and in pain right now when I come to think of it...but the game have to life has to move on...maybe over some time I will get over it...I just need more time to heal...sure I can...I mean there are so many other lover than might really suite me out there... maybe even better....wait till I finish my senior year and into university! and OMG!!! ring a bell!!! even hotter and charming and nice guy!!! just patient...I will be stronger day by just takes time....

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